(Video) Mike Francesa: "I'm still gonna be here tomorrow & get paid a fortune to sit here..." | Bob's Blitz

(Video) Mike Francesa: "I'm still gonna be here tomorrow & get paid a fortune to sit here..."

'Ken on the Cell Phone' recommends that Mike Francesa watch the Smurfs with his kids because they'll probably love Sleepy [sic] -- just like their dad. That's followed up by a 'Charlie in Queens' prank call -- letting Francesa know that the NFL Network is a real snooze fest.

'Justin in Queens' finishes the lampooning by questioning whether or not Mike fell asleep during an interview with Mets analyst Bobby Ojeda.

Mike's response: "I'm still gonna be here tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day and get paid a fortune to sit here and do this, so."

Fransiestagate is down to 10 seconds now.

Tight. Ship.

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