Catch-Me-Kitty the latest toy to implore toddlers to rape it (Video) | Bob's Blitz

Catch-Me-Kitty the latest toy to implore toddlers to rape it (Video)

Catch-Me-Kitty -- just hearing about the 'controversy' this week but it was as early as last year that folks heard things. Kathy writes in her review:

Look toy, but the "Chase me, Race me" song is disturbing

We got this toy for Christmas for our son, only to have everyone in the room gasp when the kitty started singing "Chase me, Race me". The S's and C's are not well heard on ours, so it sounds like she is singing "Cha me, rape me". I'm going to contact V-Tech and let them know. I don't think this is intentional by any means, but our kitty is not a very good kitty for him.

"Chase me, race me, you’ll have fun..." but no longer. Vtech has changed the song after complaints.

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