Mucus, blood, and poop found where? Right, a typical NFL mouthpiece... | Bob's Blitz

Mucus, blood, and poop found where? Right, a typical NFL mouthpiece...

A typical NFL mouthpiece has spit on it. It also has animal feces, blood, and mucus. It has tobacco, chemicals, and other player's DNA. Plus all of the aforementioned goodies are found "on players’ hands, gloves, helmets, uniforms, shoes, socks"...and equipment.

“Awesome,” laughed Colts tackle Anthony Castonzo.

Wide receiver LaVon Brazill: “When I’m on the sideline drinking Gatorade, I put mine in my cup and get some Gatorade action going." And, of course, sugar feeds the little nasties.

Colts head athletic trainer Dave Hammer said Defense Sport Mouthguard Rinse from SaniBrands, Inc., is available in the locker and training rooms. Players had no clue it existed.

Bad enough but with all the knowledge now available regarding concussions, Center A.Q. Shipley, nose tackle Josh Chapman, kicker Adam Vinatieri and punter Pat McAfee -- none uses a mouthpiece. Smart crew there.

And, fyi -- player DNA would quite surely contain human urine and feces.

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