Boomer & Carton comment on LIPA bashers | Bob's Blitz

Boomer & Carton comment on LIPA bashers

The Boomer & Carton radio program on WFAN has been snidely referring to an unnamed co-conspirator today. Some non-dignified non-man who, while some have had their lives devastated by Hurricane Sandy, has been using a microphone to scream and yell.

They have pointed out that this person has been creating hysteria and creating undo panic along the way. (All the while misconstruing who National Grid, who PSE&G, Con-Ed and LIPA even are.) Screaming and yelling, pointing fingers, and blaming people.

Oh wait: Bitching and moaning about LIPA and how their Briggs & Stratton 12,500 Watt 570cc Gas Powered Portable Generator 'only' covers their over-sized refrigerator.....


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