Homeless Boot Recipient Shoeless Again (And he Wants a 'Piece of the Pie' | Bob's Blitz

Homeless Boot Recipient Shoeless Again (And he Wants a 'Piece of the Pie'

Oh, the good will generated by the picture above. NYPD officer Lawrence DePrimo giving shoeless Jeff Hillman a nice pair of boots. Seems Jeffrey is bootless today, according to the NYT: “Those shoes are hidden. They are worth a lot of money,” Mr. Hillman said. “I could lose my life.”

But wait there's more, not sold in any store. Hillman wants a piece of the, well, whatever that pic above generated for the NYPD. “I appreciate what the officer did, don’t get me wrong,” he said. “I wish there were more people like him in the world. I was put on YouTube, I was put on everything without permission. What do I get?” he said. “This went around the world, and I want a piece of the pie.”

Sounds like a fair deal - give him a slice of pie and don't try and be a nice guy for the rest of the year. One slice done.

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