Jerry Sandusky demands Pennsylvania pay him $59K per year for the rest of his life | Bob's Blitz

Jerry Sandusky demands Pennsylvania pay him $59K per year for the rest of his life

What's 45 counts of raping boys between pension fund managers and a delusional scumbag pedophile? That's what Jerry Sandusky wants to know.

The former Penn State coach has appealed a decision to revoke his $59,000-a-year pension, arguing that he's still legally entitled to it, the AP reports. Sandusky officially retired from coaching in 1999, meaning he technically wasn't a university employee when tougher pension forfeiture rules were imposed in 2004, his lawyer argues.

Oh, won't someone please just get the chance to end the madness soon?

Newser...Sandusky: I Want My Pension

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