Former Packers cheerleader Kaitlyn Collins takes on Facebook cyber bullies | Bob's Blitz

Former Packers cheerleader Kaitlyn Collins takes on Facebook cyber bullies

Kaitlyn Collins is a former Green Bay Packers cheerleader whose photo was placed on a Chicago Bears fan page with the caption 'Like if you agree the Packers have the worst cheerleaders in the NFL!' Kaitlyn took to YouTube in response.

Quickly, the photo was removed with the following in its place. “The picture of the Green Bay Cheerleader has been removed. For everyone on this page. We do not condone or encourage bullying. We would like to ask that you keep it classy. We understand you are hard core fans, but there's no need for bullying. We apologize for any hard feelings and encourage everyone to keep this page as a fun experience.”

On Wednesday, Collins wrote on Facebook: “So blessed to have such wonderful friends and family standing behind me and backing me up. No matter how strong and confident a person can appear, we are still human and negativity does affect us. We can stay strong and stand tall or we can crumble. I am choosing to stand against these bullies.”

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