Mets Catcher John Buck has tributes to 9-11 & Lady Liberty on his Helmet | Bob's Blitz

Mets Catcher John Buck has tributes to 9-11 & Lady Liberty on his Helmet

NY Mets catcher John Buck has tributes to 9/11, the Statue of Liberty, the New York skyline, the 7 train, the Brooklyn Bridge and the Big Apple on his helmet, thanks to Voodoo Airbrushing where custom airbrushes start at 500 a pop.

“I’m really the only catcher in baseball now allowed to design his own helmet,” Buck told The Rumble. “Under the new licensing agreements, Wilson designs them all now, but I’ve been grandfathered in. I just wanted to show the people how much I enjoyed coming to New York.”

Which is sad because, this is just great stuff.

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