Bagel | Bob's Blitz


Craig Carton writes in 'Loudmouth' of Mike Francesa:

I made a point of attacking him whenever he made a mistake on the air or lied about something he had said.

Carton has worked at many, many radio stations. At which station was he working when he took a phone call (in front of his entire crew) from a pissed off Francesa in which Mike demanded, in an obscenity laced bitch fest, that Craig stop attacking him? Hint: It was in response to Carton attacking Mike after he lied about his Superbowl 42 pick.

Now pay attention - you must post your answer in the comment section below along with your Twitter handle. (Not On Twitter)

**Update, Jason DeLuca is your winner!

Didn't win? Visit here to purchase - Loudmouth: Tales (and Fantasies) of Sports, Sex, and Salvation from Behind the Microphone

Small print: Must be continental US resident 18 or older. One win per person. Must have a twitter account and be following us. Blitz rulings final. We are not responsible for damaged or lost mail. We mail it, that's it.

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