Official Video: Steiner calls A-Rod a 'bust,' Considers a memorbillia collection of all MLB cheats | Bob's Blitz

Official Video: Steiner calls A-Rod a 'bust,' Considers a memorbillia collection of all MLB cheats

Brandon Steiner, founder and chairman of Steiner Sports Marketing, Inc. and the author of You Gotta Have Balls sat down with Brian Kilmeade. The collection king told Brian that Alex Rodriguez is a bust, he's holding onto Roger Clemens' balls, and he's considering a full collection of baseball cheaters.

“I’m trying to get sideways on this because I think back. You know, I look at the Black Sox scandal, I look at a guy like Al Capone; I mean people collect that in a big, big way."

Brandon shared his opinion on several ducks: Clemens, Arod, and Barry Bonds. (Including an interesting take on how Rodriguez should be chasing 700...but instead? He's stuck with a big fat zero.) He also calls the drug issue in the NFL 'a train wreck' that is going to be a huge fiasco once the league moves past the WWE in terms of policing PEDs.


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