Official Video: Weather Channel's Mike Bettes injured in Oklahoma tornado that threw his vehicle 600 feet | Bob's Blitz

Official Video: Weather Channel's Mike Bettes injured in Oklahoma tornado that threw his vehicle 600 feet

Weather Channel meteorologist Mike Bettes was injured in an Oklahoma tornado yesterday after a storm threw his vehicle 200 yards, according to his estimate. Inevitable, yes. But TWC was stubborn. It's the first time one of the network's personalities has been injured while covering violent weather, spokeswoman Shirley Powell said. "Tornadoes are violent and unpredictable, but covering them keeps the public at large informed and, as a result, safer," she added.


Later, Bettes took to Facebook:
Thank you all for the kind thoughts. Everyone is okay. Hopefully our mishap will teach us all to respect the weather & be responsible & safe at all costs. I thought I was doing the right thing, but obviously I wasn't. Lesson learned the hard way. Someone was watching over us. Very blessed to be headed home tomorrow to see my family.
Want to bet the 'lesson' wasn't learned by TWC? Because one captures video like this.

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