Explosive video of BuzzFeed Reporter Michael Hastings Crash is Explosive | Bob's Blitz

Explosive video of BuzzFeed Reporter Michael Hastings Crash is Explosive

33-year-old Michael Hastings died when he crashed his Mercedes C250 Coupé at approximately 4:25 a.m. in the Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. A single car accident, Pizzeria Mozza's security cameras caught it on tape. The explosion is insane.

“I’ve never seen an explosion like that,” said Terry Hopkins, 46, a former U.S. Navy military policeman who served in Afghanistan, told Michael Krikorian. “I’ve seen military vehicles explode, but never quite like that. Look, here’s a reporter who brought down a general [Stanley Allen McChrystal]. He’s sending out emails saying he’s being watched. It’s four in the morning and his car explodes? Come on, you have to be naïve not to at least consider it wasn’t an accident.”

The LAPD has said there were not signs of foul play. Just fast speeds.

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