NJ Gov. Chris Christie anoints NYDN hack Manish Mehta, "The Dope" | Bob's Blitz

NJ Gov. Chris Christie anoints NYDN hack Manish Mehta, "The Dope"

The only thing dumber than Rex Ryan playing Mark Sanchez this past weekend was the post-game presser that followed. Today, sitting in for Esiason on Boomer & Carton, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie weighed in on NY Daily News 'ghost writer' Manish Mehta.

"Idiot. The guy's a complete idiot. Self-consumed, underpaid, reporter. Who, by the way, I couldn't pick out of a lineup and no Jets fan gives a damn about Manish Mehta."

"We shouldn't be giving this dope, you know, the amount of airtime we've given him already."

Oh and the Guv hates John Sterling to boot.

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