“No. 1 hand” Inventor says Miley Cyrus Degraded Honorable, Iconic Foam Finger | Bob's Blitz

“No. 1 hand” Inventor says Miley Cyrus Degraded Honorable, Iconic Foam Finger

Apparently a then 16-year-old Steve Chmelar created the original “No. 1 hand” as a way to support his high school basketball team at the Iowa state championships in 1971. And now he's upset with Miley Cyrus for this:

"For people that like that kind of entertainment, I’m sure that it met their needs," Chmelar said. "If I had a choice between Julie Andrews singing 'The Sound of Music' and Miley Cyrus doing 'Can’t Stop,' I’d go the Julie Andrews route, but everyone has their choice and their decision.

"I would say that it certainly misrepresented its intent to encourage team support," Chmelar added. "She took an honorable icon that is seen in sporting venues everywhere and degraded it. Fortunately, the foam finger has been around long enough that it will survive this incident. As for Miley Cyrus, let’s hope she can outlive this event and also survive."

Even worse for Chmelar? He didn't patent the digit. "I wish I could feel the responsibility weighing down my pockets; I’ve not gained a dime from any royalties or anything like that," Chmelar said. “But it's just a matter of satisfaction. It was fun to do it and create it, and it's certainly rewarding to see what it’s become and the variations of it."

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