Mike Francesa Pushed on why he won't Present the 'Pulse of the People' award to Craig Carton | Bob's Blitz

Mike Francesa Pushed on why he won't Present the 'Pulse of the People' award to Craig Carton

Caller to Mike Francesa: "Why won't you present the Pulse of the People award to Craig Carton?" Francesa, who once said of the POP, "Anything you guys won 4 years in a row, I don't want..." changed tunes: "I don't know what you're talking about. So don't call me with nonsense, I don't know what you're talking about. Whatever they're worried about, awards, I could care less."

Professional broadcasters who use the phrase "I couldn't care less" incorrectly as "I could care less" repeatedly do so because A) They're uneducated, B) They don't care about their craft (professional, you know, broadcasters) and C) Their producers don't care enough about them to edumacate them on the proper grammar.

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