Mike Missanelli at 97.5 The Fanatic Called Michelle Beadle Fat | Bob's Blitz

Mike Missanelli at 97.5 The Fanatic Called Michelle Beadle Fat

She's not a model, she's not put herself in the beauty biz...so why did Mike Missanelli, a supposed sports talk show host at something called 97.5 The Fanatic tweet "Is it out of line to point out the lbs 'round michelle beadle's middle?" Because WPEN had a 1.8 Arbitron rating in August with a cume of 397,500. That's a sad 24% of what WFAN did. (For shits and giggles - that's a measly 40% of what NY's WEPN did.)

Eventually Missanelli 'apologized' (as if 'Didnt mean to offend.' is an apology). Yet he spent much more time than someone with 30k followers should directly answering tweets.

For more shits and giggles - thanks to Awful Announcing more people 'listened' to Mike Missanelli yesterday than will all next week on his actual show.

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