Chicken Nuggets Contain Nerves, Blood Vessels, Bone Spicules & Connective Tissue: Study | Bob's Blitz

Chicken Nuggets Contain Nerves, Blood Vessels, Bone Spicules & Connective Tissue: Study

Dr. Richard D. deShazo of the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson Mississippi set out to determine what, exactly, is a chicken nugget comprised of. A study published online in September in the American Journal of Medicine -- "The Autopsy of Chicken Nuggets Reads 'Chicken Little'" has the results. And...they're not pretty.

The nugget from the first restaurant was composed of approximately 50% skeletal muscle, with the remainder composed primarily of fat, with some blood vessels and nerve present.

The nugget from the second restaurant was composed of approximately 40% skeletal muscle. Here too, there were generous quantities of fat and other tissue, including connective tissue and bone spicules.
Go ahead and Google 'Bone spicules.' We'll wait.

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