Keith Olbermann rips Mike Francesa; Boomer and Carton as 'fill-in' 'Chuckleheads' | Bob's Blitz

Keith Olbermann rips Mike Francesa; Boomer and Carton as 'fill-in' 'Chuckleheads'

Serial job loser Keith Olbermann went after Mike Francesa for sleeping, Craig Carton for his speaking skills, and Boomer Esiason as 'Norman' yesterday on his late night show. In a piece with 'bullying' as the subject, he made fun of folks. ("Olbermann" on ESPN2 often airs opposite “SportsCenter” on the main ESPN network...unless there's like, live, sports programming available.) Keith also called WEPN good radio. Sorta lose any argument when you lead with that.

It is quite interesting that he went the 'Norman' route in a piece about bullying. Also interesting that the serial job hopper would refer to anyone as a 'fill-in.'

And while based on ratings you didn't see this last night -- Keith puts many, many clips on YouTube you go:

WFAN wouldn't give ESPN2 the tapes? Hmmmm. Probably couldn't find them in time. Why yes, of course Boomer & Carton responded. (And now Francesa has responded to Olbermann. Sort of. He doesn't care about these kinda things...)

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