YES Network Execs Annoyed with Michael Kay's Canned Open: Source | Bob's Blitz

YES Network Execs Annoyed with Michael Kay's Canned Open: Source

A source told The Blitz yesterday that YES Network officials were 'ticked' with Michael Kay's no class Diet Coke bottle chucking open during the show's inaugural broadcast on Monday afternoon. We said at the time that the move "will certainly not become an iconic moment." And that's part of the problem:

Executives were ticked at Kay for that canned open. They wouldn't have had as much a problem with him had the move occurred organically during the show -- but they way it went down [planned] meant that he [Kay] forced that move upon the camera guys, the producers, and his sidekick (Don La Greca). Mike & the Mad Dog's premiere on YES can be promoted as historic, YES is stuck having to put that visual out there now.

One thing it didn't stop YES from doing? Broadcasting a 'Best of Michael Kay Show' show 3 hours after the first, one and only, program had wrapped!

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