Craig Carton finally rips Boomer Esiason for spreading himself too thin | Bob's Blitz

Craig Carton finally rips Boomer Esiason for spreading himself too thin

Three years ago we named Boomer Esiason NY's 'Most Buzz Worthy Media Member.' And it went to his head. He went on to become the Adam Sandler of sports media -- never, ever turning down a job. He started saying 'in my estimation' instead of simply saying 'in my opinion.' When he has the time to think, he says 'PROcess' instead of simply the more common 'process...'

And all along, he could care less.

Today, he went too far. Doing some crap Football v futbol for CBS, Craig Carton snapped. a hooker on New Year's Eve. That happens when you have $38k in property taxes to cover.

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