Here's Boomer Esiason keeping his hand warm on 'Blue Bloods' | Bob's Blitz

Here's Boomer Esiason keeping his hand warm on 'Blue Bloods'

Boomer Esiason made is much anticipated debut as a guest on 'Blue Bloods' last night. And while there are dozens of unparalleled parking garages near NYC's most popular areas, like Times Square and Madison Square Garden (though MSG does not provide parking)...Booms asked New York City Police Commissioner Frank Reagan if he could get a parking sticker that would allow him to park on 7th Ave. between W. 31st St. and W. 33rd St. without getting a sticker in exchange for his charity assistance.

So that's how that works Esiason?

Big hat tip to Isaac.

The PBA Widows’ and Children’s Fund, Inc. provides aid and assistance to widows, widowers and eligible dependents of police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
If you would like to donate to this 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, please make a check payable to the NYC PBA Widows and Children's Fund, and send it to Michael Morgillo or Joseph Alejandro at the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, 125 Broad Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10004-2400.

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