Mike Francesa fell asleep on air again today...hit his glasses on the microphone (10/3/14) | Bob's Blitz

Mike Francesa fell asleep on air again today...hit his glasses on the microphone (10/3/14)

Mike Francesa fell asleep on air again

New York, NY -- October 3, 2014: Mike Francesa fell asleep on air again today...hit his face on the microphone to boot. This time with Mark from Bloomfield. Lucky for Francesa...it was on FS2 late on a Friday so no one saw it. Except...BobsBlitz.com did.

Hey, 25 years and that's one two small times. Let it go.

Mike Francesa fell asleep
Oh crap, I'm going to hear about this forever.

**Update - he nodded off a second time a bit later in the show.

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