Former Bills, Ravens WR James Hardy found unfit for trial and remanded him to a mental facility | Bob's Blitz

Former Bills, Ravens WR James Hardy found unfit for trial and remanded him to a mental facility

TMZ has learned that Ex-Buffalo Bills & Baltimore Raven James Hardy III, a 2nd round draft pick in 2008, has been committed to a state mental institution 6 months after he was arrested for attacking 3 cops.

Hardy was taken into custody on May 4th at an L.A. apartment complex after an alleged violent meltdown. We're told it took several officers to subdue the 6'6", 225-pound athlete.

Now, we're told a judge has ruled that Hardy is not mentally competent to stand trial in the case -- and has ordered the 28-year-old to be committed to a state hospital.

According to court documents, the hospital has the authority to administer "involuntary antipsychotic medication" to Hardy as needed.

Hardy still faces a felony resisting arrest charge for the incident. According to court documents, he'll face trial for that charge if/when doctors say he's ready.

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