Mike Francesa pissed Ferguson protesters tied up traffic in NYC | Bob's Blitz

Mike Francesa pissed Ferguson protesters tied up traffic in NYC

Years ago, Howard Stern said he couldn't stand protesters tying up traffic that screws people trying to get to work, adding that he wanted to know if Al Sharpton was able to attend such events because his resume read 'troublemaker.' Today, Mike Francesa reiterated the traffic point. You want to riot and burn buildings in Ferguson - that's fine. But don't tie up the FDR!

And he's right. Move them the hell out, don't let that crap set up.

Mike also corrects 'Greg in NJ' that there were 5, not 6, hands up St. Louis Rams demonstrators before chastising his pro-police caller that "we're not going to change people's minds here."

Mike doesn't, however, care that Greg was discussing the Cardinals. And he's not versed enough to mention that one of the don't shoot guys has a lot of experience with law enforcement.

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