Troy Aikman still pissed that ESPN's Skip Bayless called him gay | Bob's Blitz

Troy Aikman still pissed that ESPN's Skip Bayless called him gay

ESPN's Skip Bayless once wrote a book Hell-Bent: The Crazy Truth About the “Win or Else” Dallas Cowboys. Seems Skip may have tried outting Troy in said book.

In a recent interview with Sports Illustrated’s Richard Deitsch, Aikman took aim at Bayless again over the gay claim:

“I’m upset about it because it was made up and there was nothing accurate about anything that was insinuated," Aikman told Deitsch. "And he did it, as he does everything, just for attention. I am probably more upset because I probably should have responded to it at the time it was going on. The advice to me was, 'Hey, just don’t address it. It’s not worth it. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s ridiculous. All it’s going to do is have people continue to talk about his book.' So I didn’t.”

“But I probably could have responded differently and maybe that would have changed things. Maybe it wouldn’t have. But it is ridiculous, and, yeah, it bothers me. If that is a lifestyle people choose, so be it. It doesn’t affect me one way or another. But it is not my lifestyle.”

Bayless isn't the only fool who thought it necessary to call Troy Aikman gay. Dexter Manley got into the whole Troy Aikman gay bashing theme on WTOP radio in DC back in 2013.

“Was it a big jinx that Troy Aikman was doing the game, the former Cowboy?” Manley was asked at the end of the segment. “I think Troy was a queer,” Manley said. The hosts immediately made it clear that this wasn’t a topic for humor, and encouraged Manley to step back. “I’m sorry about that,” he said. “I take that back….I apologize.”

Audio here.

Dexter later apologized, via the Washington Post:

In an interview with WTOP radio Monday, while intending to be funny, I used a slur to refer to Troy Aikman. It was wrong and insensitive. Anyone that knows me knows that’s not who I am in my heart or mind. I want to apologize to Troy, but I mostly want to apologize to anyone else I offended. Like a lot of people in these times, I have to realize that what I thought was funny years ago doesn’t work now. I’ll do my best to make sure it doesn’t happen again and hope you will accept my apology.

Dexter Manley

Aikman's strongest attack on Skip Bayless came back in 2011. He said he wasn't sure that Skip wasn't gay and that he couldn't guarantee that 'it wouldn't get physical' if he ever ran into Bayless.

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