Leave it to Evan Roberts to take that as a chance to kiss up asses above and below.
I’m confident both the morning show, midday show and afternoon show at WFAN will still be here when the GM of the Mets isn’t
— Evan Roberts (@JoeandEvan) April 8, 2015
And Twitter reacted as expected.
@MartinoNYDN Wilpon stooges all ...
— Young Ideas (@DickYoungsGhost) April 8, 2015
@JoeandEvan oh God man you too? No one can take a joke anymore?! You are turning into your partner
— Franco (@DonCheech) April 8, 2015
@JoeandEvan hopefully that babbling baboon in the afternoon isn't
— John Edward (@GORMANSMASH) April 8, 2015
@JoeandEvan HOW BOUT DAT?!
— Justin Cohen (@justin_cohen) April 8, 2015
@cc660 @MartinoNYDN Probably referring to Joe and Evan. More B&C.
— Frank Shanny (@tanshanny123) April 8, 2015
@cc660 @MetsGM HAHAHAHAHAHA typical douche maneuver from Mr "I'll dish it but bitch like a 12 yo when it comes back at me"
— PuckLuckBitch (@puckluckbitch) April 8, 2015
@cc660 @MartinoNYDN it's a good thing sandy isn't in charge he'd move he top rated program-understandable since he's never run one here
— Sean Barkey (@SeanBarkey) April 8, 2015
And then? EP Bryan Monzó, whose boss is the poster child for uneducated sounding morons, corrected ER's grammar.
@JoeandEvan I don't think 'both' works there when you are using three things.
— Brian Monzo (@BMonzoWFAN) April 8, 2015
Craig Carton closed the discussions.
@MartinoNYDN I wonder if sandy said it or if terry said it or if the franchise said it or if. Oh I'm confused
— Craig Carton (@cc660) April 8, 2015
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