Boomer Esiason's 1993 Family Feud appearance | Bob's Blitz

Boomer Esiason's 1993 Family Feud appearance

As a lead up to the 1994 NFL season, AFC quarterbacks Boomer Esiason, Jim Kelly, Warren Moon, Stan Gelbaugh, and Vince Evans took on the NFC -- Steve Young, Steve Beuerlein, Jim Harbaugh, Wade Wilson, and the great Andre Ware on Family Feud for a chance at up to $20,000 for cystic fibrosis research.

Sadly, Boomer has no memory of the appearance. Even though his answer to a question was one of his more repetitive complaints.


Daniel Amen Booms, stat.

Boomer had appeared on the Feud in 1989 as part of a Super Bowl rematch with the San Francisco 49ers.

**Update - here's crystal clear HD video of Boomer Esiason's 'Fast Money' Family Feud appearance for Cystic Fibrosis in 1993.

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