The show will start around 2:00 PM and will be streamed live via Periscope.
Those in attendance should be prepared for anything as all the Storm Mongos in the world couldn’t stop this runaway freight train, uhkay.
Guests including current and former WFAN personalities will be announced throughout the week with a few surprises thrown in there.
If time allows and there are no dramatic bombshell appearances, we will do doing Triviar while breaking the seal on a new batch of Ordios.
This year we are also looking for Mongos who want to be part of the festivities, those who are interested should send an email to with the subject line “Francesacon Mongos” to
For updates and additional information, stay tuned to Twitter by following @RealSeatSwap and all of the usual suspect Mongo Nation accounts.
For those not in the know or who missed out on last year’s show, check this out right here right now.
SAT, JAN 23, 2016
FrancesaCon 3
Irving Plaza
17 Irving Place, New York, NY 10003
Mad Dog Russo is available.
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