Admit it, you don't think the Mike & the Mad Dog reunion sold out | Bob's Blitz

Admit it, you don't think the Mike & the Mad Dog reunion sold out

All those empty seats at the Mike & the Mad Dog 2016 Reunion at Radio City Music Hall?

Mushnick weighs in:

Reader John Mascolo asks why I wasn’t a guest on that Mike and the Mad Dog reunion panel at Dolan’s Radio City Music Hall. A: I don’t work small rooms.

Mascolo also asks why there were so many empty up-front seats. A: Those who purchased those were watching on big-screen TVs in the luxury restaurant.

Actually, Mike Francesa was a very gracious co-host; he waived the loyalty oath for Jews to enter. He’d questioned the loyalty of American Jews in a lengthy spew following the 9/11 attacks. “Let’s Be Honest” denied it, yet, oddly enough, that segment apparently remains the only tape WFAN — and almost immediately — lost.

And it never got old. Folks stayed to the bitter end.

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