Boomer & Carton put Mike Francesa claims to the 30 second timer | Bob's Blitz

Boomer & Carton put Mike Francesa claims to the 30 second timer

Seems Craig Carton recalls when Mike & the Mad Dog mocked he and Boomer Esiason over Joe DiMaggio's 56 game hitting streak. So Craig took the opportunity today to put Francesa's claim of correcting his Zach Wheeler mistake in 30 seconds to a timer. (Oh, and Craig reconfirmed what we reported in 2014: Mike Francesa utilizes planted phone calls.)

And Boomer took the time to lecture Mike Francesa's producers Bryan Monzó & Chris McMonigle on how they need to do their job (while chowing down on some diet food product).

See now...if Boomer & Carton had been around WFAN during the Loyalty Oath days, Eddie Scozzare would never have destroyed those tapes.

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