Boomer Esiason: Craig Carton the 'king of throwing inaccurate crap out there..." | Bob's Blitz

Boomer Esiason: Craig Carton the 'king of throwing inaccurate crap out there..."

After we pointed out that Craig Carton seemed to be making shit up about the Jets / Ryan Fitzpatrick negotiations as he went along, Boomer Esiason gushed the next day about Carton's incredible David Wright sources. (Carton predicted the guy with the spinal stenosis might go on the DL after being diagnosed with the disc bulges...)

Yesterday Carton, at best, had terrible info on Ryan Lochte. At worst, he lied: made up a tale in which he reiterated a lot of the story as already told threw some crap in there and, unfortunately for him - got nailed on it. (Why do you think B&C opened with Lochte yesterday but today did not?)

This morning Esiason gushed, "You really lent a lot of clarity to the Lochte story yesterday!"

Wait, what?! Why say anything? Clarity? He got Every. Point. Wrong.

And then...a heated moment (radio heated) -- and Freud intervened. Esiason asked, "How many mistakes can you make in one statement?!"

Craig Carton - the king of inaccurate statements. Throwing crap out there.

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