Whoa! Donald Trump might weigh 267 pounds?! | Bob's Blitz

Whoa! Donald Trump might weigh 267 pounds?!

Donald Trump appears on Dr. Oz today. The presidential front runner reportedly doesn't exercise (he should) and has a cholesterol reading 'under 170' despite thinking popping a statin is keeping him healthy. Reports have his weight anywhere from 230 to almost 270.

Don? Hit the trampoline, you fat basterd.

Hillary Clinton? Shockingly frail.

Clinton is suffering from “a mild noncontagious bacterial pneumonia” and is on a slew of medications to treat a variety of issues, including blood clots and allergies.

Among the meds were: Armor Thyroid, which is used to treat hyperthyroidism; Coumadin, a blood thinner that prevents clots; Levaquin (for a total 10 days), to fight the bacterial infection; Clarinex, for allergies; and vitamin B-12, her doctor, Lisa Bardack, revealed.

Clinton is at home in Chappaqua recovering. She plans to hit the campaign trail Thursday in North Carolina.

The doctor also disclosed that Clinton had minor surgery this year to insert a myringotomy tube in her left ear to combat a sinus and ear infection. The surgery, which was not made public previously, took place in January.

Good lord.

Oh, and BTW Daniel Halper and Marisa Schultz -- Armour thyroid does not treat hyperthyroidism. It treats hypothyroidism.

[NY Post]

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