NFL RedZone host Scott Hanson roasted Kaepernick for not voting | Bob's Blitz

NFL RedZone host Scott Hanson roasted Kaepernick for not voting

49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick is that special kind of stupid. A guy, Lowell Cohn (sports columnist for the Santa Rosa Press Democrat) called him, "one of the most arrogant, rude athletes I ever covered in 35 years."

And that was last year. Before the dope started kneeling. Before the dope made comments about Presidential Debates that he didn't even watch.

Before NFL polling showed him to be the league's most disliked player.

Before the dope didn't vote in said Presidential Election.

So when he took off and ran on a play this past weekend - NFL RedZone host Scott Hanson had a theory as to why Kaepernicus was able to run so freely.

"He wasn't weighed down by an 'I Voted' sticker."


Colin Kaepernick wants to protest with some power? Here's how he can do it.

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