ESPN's 'Mike and the Mad Dog' 30 for 30 ratings were brutal | Bob's Blitz

ESPN's 'Mike and the Mad Dog' 30 for 30 ratings were brutal

ESPN's Mike & Mad Dog ’30 For 30′ Documentary was massively promoted (basically by the two subjects). The docu premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival April 21, 2017 and Francesa called it the 'highlight' of the festival...stating that it may even win an Oscar.

Which led to massive disappointment when it was completely shut out of the awards sheet at the Festival.

Now the ratings for its Thursday premiere are in...and they're as bad as Francesa's 4th place June radio finish was.

ESPN had a 0.3 rating with a scant 657,000 tuning in. For comparisons sake - Impractical Jokers had 1,171,000 viewers at 10pm, Hannity had 2,483,000 viewers at 10pm, even the British comedy panel game show Safeword had 780,000 viewers at 11:30pm.

Head-to-head v other 8pm shows was even worse. America’s Got Talent had a 1.3 rating with 7,100,000 viewers. The Big Bang Theory had 6,140,000 watching. Beat Shazam rounded out the top 3 with 2,950,000 viewers.

Last year on the same day ESPN premiered Doc & Darryl which had 1.2 million viewers - almost twice the audience. It was the lowest rated 30 for 30 since Angry Sky (At the height of the space race, Nick Piantanida had a dream and a reach that far exceeded his grasp: He would climb to the edge of space and break the free-fall parachute record.) crashed with only 390K viewers.

A terrible few months for the retiring Mike Francesa.

Later, Craig Carton discussing the Chris Russo side of the historically low rated Mike and the Mad Dog 30 for 30: "At least Mike Francesa is an ahole to your face."

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