Mushnick: Roger Goodell is a transparent, pandering phony | Bob's Blitz

Mushnick: Roger Goodell is a transparent, pandering phony

Phil Mushnick this morning:

Roger Goodell is a transparent, pandering phony. Now he supports those selectively outraged players who refuse to stand during the national anthem.

In 2015, Goodell’s NFL was revealed to have allowed teams take $5.4 million in Department of Defense money to perform patriotic pregame shows.

Perhaps it’s time for all right-headed sports fans to take a knee during the anthem, to let both selectively outraged sides know they’re sick of it all, that the politicization of sports — the exploitation of sports to provide “a platform” — is driving them down and out.

Goodell, 2 weeks ago, faces charges of collusion in keeping that piece of garbage Kaepernick out of the league. 2 days ago, he and the complicit owners? They're all OK with these uneducated animals kneeling as private employees.

This will be the last generation of uneducated punks who can become millionaires via the brain killing puke that is the NFL. Mark it.

Like that? You'll love Mark Dice ripping the brain dead NFL a new one over idiotic national anthem league killing stunts.

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