FAIL: Empire State Building idiots promise to light in Pats / Eagles colors again for Super Bowl LII | Bob's Blitz

FAIL: Empire State Building idiots promise to light in Pats / Eagles colors again for Super Bowl LII

Despite warning, "Whatever the reasoning, the Empire State Building's light czars should think twice before dedicating the Art Deco masterpiece to Patriots blue and red or Eagles green and white on Feb. 4." It looks like idiots at the ESB are going to do it again. The NY Post reports:

Rather than backing down, a source close to the building said it will light up in the enemy colors again for the Feb. 4 game - and quipped that if the New York teams want their colors in lights, all they have to do is get to the Super Bowl.

We had reported that that was not going to be the case and that the ESB would be in white.

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