Craig Carton: Boomer & Gio, the Terrible Trio, Joe & Evan have f*cked up WFAN | Bob's Blitz

Craig Carton: Boomer & Gio, the Terrible Trio, Joe & Evan have f*cked up WFAN

Craig Carton went on a power out blitz of WFAN by saying that there are no special broadcasters there anymore. They've fucked it up. You don't care what anyone over there thinks. Boomer & Gio can finish 7th. The Terrible Trio can finish 6th.

There is only one #1. And this video from Twitch must be watched over there.

Ouch. Clowns Chris Carlin & Bart Scott remained sitting stuffing their fat faces during the national anthem at Saturday's Mets / Yankees game.

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