Gio has been a bitter disappointment. As a producer given some time here or there back in the day or more recently with the Network getting some time with B&C to do his bits (and that's what they are, bits) he was very entertaining. But now? 4 hours a day? Terrible. You may complain about him not developing sources or about him doing the same ridiculously sad impersonations -- think about us. We're listening the entire 4 hours bud. And he'll often do his stand up routine with impersonations that are not good and not funny. Take that Casserly garbage you ask about. Not good and not funny. And he did it over 4 segments!
Worse? He's thin skinned with rabbit ears. He does not take criticism well. I/we really miss Craig. Very thin skinned. Not a good trait for a clown.
No. Not good at all.
Giannotti just confirmed it.
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