SBB got the audio:
WFAN's Mike Francesa responded, "The guys a rookie. He made a rookie mistake. The best thing is you let it pass...Violent? It's a little much for Chuck...He's not used to the limelight...You don't go on radio shows and say stupid things like this. Don't use a word like violent because he didn't see the Yankee fan acting violent in any way."
Francesa, used to saying stupid things on radio that come back and bite him in the ass, offered more advice: "You don't make statements that can come back and bite you in the rear end. You don't wanna call the Yankee fan base violent because then you're going to be asked to back up what violent means. They're going to have to retract violent because the Yankee fans were not violent. OK? They might have been discourteous but they were not violent. Violent is a ridiculous word..."
Francesa clarifed even further that "maybe some folks who have gone to the games aren't even Yankees fans." Check out the video below - that's Yankees on Yankees on Yankees violence. At the ALCS...
Maybe Greenberg was referring to Grim LeRogue...who wanted to attack A-Rod.
Because he certainly wasn't talking about the douche juice who tried to spill beer on Cal Ripken, Jr.
Francesa, front runnin' fool who said "The best thing is you let it pass," then ranted how the Yankees owners cannot let this go. "Ownership must respond to this."
Same damn show - saying stupid things on radio that come back and bite him in the ass. Michael P. Francesa ladies & gentlemen. ~ WFANs Mike Francesa Looks Like An Ass Rebutting
Francesa yesterday: "Don't use a word like violent because he didn't see the Yankee fan acting violent"
Today: "Gross generalizations."
Yesterday: "They're going to have to retract violent because the Yankee fans were not violent."
Today: "Gross generalizations. Every stadium has fights."
Today part 2: Don't call a fan base violent because of 20 bad eggs. One minute later - You have 50,000 fans and 1-2% maybe are troublemakers.
2% of 50k is 1000 fans.
Now who's calling Yankee fans violent?
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