Jim Rome v David Stern on Wife Beating, Rigged Lotteries | Bob's Blitz

Jim Rome v David Stern on Wife Beating, Rigged Lotteries

Saw this first on The Big Lead -- Jim Rome asked NBA commissioner Stern about the possibility of the NBA lottery being, you know, fixed. Stern replied, “Have you stopped beating your wife?”

OK question followed by a 'loaded' answer and then? 4 minutes of forceful bs by Rome trying to have Stern pull a Revis. (Check your WikiPedia - see 'loaded question' The traditional example is the question "Have you stopped beating your wife?" Whether the respondent answers yes or no, he will admit to having a wife, and having beaten her at some time in the past. Davey's an attorney.)

Perhaps NBA fans can get a 'Beat your wife Jim Rome, Beat your wife,' chant going ala the NY Rangers and Denis Potvin? Let the victim's groups pounce.

For those who care, here's the entire interview.

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