(Video) A.J. Pierzynski Scores from 1st...on Infield Ground Out | Bob's Blitz

(Video) A.J. Pierzynski Scores from 1st...on Infield Ground Out

Chicago White Sox Alexei Ramirez grounded out 6-3 yesterday against the A's. A.J. Pierzynski was running with the pitch. And he just kept running all the way home.

A's manager Bob Melvin offered up this explanation:

"Wasn't our best defensive day," Melvin said. "The play was embarrassing, obviously, when Pierzynski went all the way around. [Catcher Derek] Norris is trying to cover third when the third baseman and shortstop converge, you either have to read that and get back or the pitcher has to rotate around and get home. We didn't cover that very well, so that doesn't sit very well with anybody."

Trying to cover third. OK. Sox won 7-3.

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