(Video) When you're a probably not too bright Olympic Gold winner -- Seth MacFarlane may roast your dry nuts | Bob's Blitz

(Video) When you're a probably not too bright Olympic Gold winner -- Seth MacFarlane may roast your dry nuts

Seth MacFarlane played Olympic gold winner Ryan Lochte on SNL as a stoner slash idiot. Sorta a Lochte/Phelps hybrid, if you will. (Read more: http://withleather.uproxx.com/2012/09/heres-a-shocker-ryan-lochte-doesnt-have-much-of-a-sense-of-humor#ixzz26qVZqIdv)

“Well I gotta admit that was a pretty harsh one, but it’s cool to have Seth parody me,” the swimming champ told Celebuzz. “I think he pegged me wrong, but when I heard he did a skit I knew I was in for it!”

But Lochte has no harsh feelings for MacFarlane. “It’s all in fun and of course if I’m talked about on SNL I know they are gonna get me ‘Go-od,’” he said, referencing faux Lochte’s mispronunciation of NBC show Go On as “goon.”

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