Join the team. No, literally -- bring Plax back boys. How bad is the Jets team that you bring in an ex-con and he immediately becomes the 2nd or 3rd top liked guy there? Yeah, it is that sad.
Plaxico, told that the Jets went with Hill because of his cat like reflexes, newer driving history, and speed said: "If Rex feels that way, more power to him. He has a voice that's more powerful than mine because he stands in front of the podium every day and is the head coach of the New York Jets," said Burress, who hasn't heard from the Jets at all. "But I was out of football for 30 months going into that situation. If I can go out there and start in the NFL after not being in football for 30 months and get (612) yards and eight touchdowns, I know one thing is for sure – I'm going to be better than I was last year."
The 225 pound receiver continued, "My opportunity is going to come and when it comes, it'll say more about the league than it does about me. To be honest, there are a lot of people that don't want to answer those questions," said Burress, who worked out for the Patriots last month. "If I go in, I shine and have a two- or three-touchdown game just coming off the couch, what does that say about you or the people I'm playing against? You put me out there right now and I go out there and dominate, have a couple of touchdowns or a hundred-yard game, then you just got to shake your head and smile and laugh."
So why is he blackballed by every NFL team to date in 2012? "Me being detrimental to another grown man is preposterous," Burress said, adding this about his attitude last season: "Man, I was the happiest person you could find. I was back playing football and doing what I love to do. There would be times I was frustrated because I know I could do some things my legs wouldn't allow me to do because I'd been away for some time. But as far as me having an impact on another man and how he performs, if you believe that, there's something wrong with you."
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