Woody's WAG the latest Johnson to care more about publicity than her team, the NY Jets | Bob's Blitz

Woody's WAG the latest Johnson to care more about publicity than her team, the NY Jets

NFL Women's Apparel: Fit for You kicks off this fall and the brand's 'ambassador' is Jets owner Woody Johnson's WAG, Suzanne. She covers October's Avenue Magazine.

Suzanne appeared with Jets safety Eric Smith, receiver Stephen Hill and a bunch of unnamed Jets scrubs (though the magazine was was able to sneak Tim Tebow and Mark Sanchez' side-by-side nameplates into the piece).

If you thought Woody cared more about politics and publicity than he does about actually fielding a great team -- his financially driven wife may be just as bad. Using the New York team as her backdrop she said, it isn't all about the Jets. “I’m helping the NFL as an entity, not just my husband’s team,” she tells Avenue.

Yeah, that's just great.

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