Craig Carton to Katie Couric: Jason Collins a 'brave trailblazer who should be supported' | Bob's Blitz

Craig Carton to Katie Couric: Jason Collins a 'brave trailblazer who should be supported'

Sporting a pair of what appears to be men's premium, slim boot-cut ripped denim ZARA jeans, Craig Carton joined Katie Couric to discuss Jason Collins yesterday. CC called JC "Very brave. He's a trail blazer and he should be supported by everybody."

Which flys in the face of WFAN colleague Mike Francesa who said he 'could care less' about the announcement, calling it a 'dramatic attempt to sell a magazine.' Francesa went on to say homosexuality is 'not normal' and, while it may have to be tolerated, he would never, ever promote it.

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