WFAN 'decides' Mike Francesa won't be disciplined for homophobic remarks (yet) | Bob's Blitz

WFAN 'decides' Mike Francesa won't be disciplined for homophobic remarks (yet)

Mike Francesa gay rights
Teflon Zaun
Gay rights dinosaur Mike Francesa (left, via Matthew P.) agreed with an early April 2013 caller who had agreed with another caller: Homosexuals, or any other sexual orientation for that matter, should not be promoting or recruiting anyone into their lifestyle. Later that month Francesa agreed with a caller that homosexuality is 'not normal.'

FF to last week. After Michael Sam came out, Mike opened with a caller who complained that folks call him biased and homophobic because he doesn't 'agree' with homosexuality. To which Francesa replied, "Right, and listen -- it doesn't make you that at all, I understand that." (Felt like a planted phone call...but that's another matter all together.)

Discussions culminated after a caller stated that a family member had come out at age 15. Francesa responded by wondering if 15 was too young to 'make that decision.' A woman called him out on that way of thinking by saying that it wasn't a 'decision' and then by asking Mike if he didn't know by 15 if he was gay or straight.

Mike's response to her was, "I think you know what your urges are but if your urges are 'not normal' would you know that that's all you're going to feel?"

Word from sources within WFAN is that Francesa will not be suspended, yet, because they don't 'want to open a can of worms.' This stance could change, however, if any of the large LGBT rights groups "make a big enough stink."

It shouldn't take that.

Phil Mushnick sums up:

According to the all-knowing and very worldly Mike Francesa – vis-à-vis Michael Sam’s declaration — people actually choose to become homosexual; they “decide.”

Yeah, it’s like ordering off a menu.

Perhaps someone at CBS needs to step up. Unless they've pledged allegiance through a loyalty oath or something. (And we are still seeking anyone who has cassette tape of said oaths btw. See contact info below.)

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