Mike Francesa endorses The Junk Balm® | Bob's Blitz

Mike Francesa endorses The Junk Balm®

Boomer & Carton JunkBalm

Mike Francesa endorses The JunkBalm®, the Fresh Balls alternative.

Up next, a Suzyn Waldman sniff off including Dude Wipes & Comfy Boys.

Junk Balm

And while Francesa may have endorsed Junk Balm...he was not as loving towards Orlando Based Rick Stacy and the hair restoration experts at New York Hair MD.

*Update, John Sterling joined Francesa & Al Leiter in endorsing Boomer & Carton's Junk Balm® brand potassium aluminum , estrogen receptors be damned.

**Update #2: Great news. The potassium alum is gone. Your new JB ingredients are: Echinacea, chamomile, and corn starch.

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