Boomer & Carton killed Big Heads 1&2 (Michael Kay, Mike Francesa) in an epic show open this A.M. | Bob's Blitz

Boomer & Carton killed Big Heads 1&2 (Michael Kay, Mike Francesa) in an epic show open this A.M.

wfan mike francesa
Francesa photochop via Funtime

Today's Boomer & Carton open (11/06/14) may be the best in the show's history. All over the place, but back to A-Rod, Mike Francesa, and ratings impaired Michael Kay. Some highlights:

To Francesa's rebuttal of charges he gave Alex Rodriguez an easy landing spot, "A-Rod came on my show because I have the largest program in New York City," Craig stated, "Alex told a limited audience here on the FAN that he didn't do PEDs. A lot of people, including Mike, got had by him. And that was after he gave Rodriguez a safe landing."

Esiason on Kay inserting himself into Francesa claiming YES Network didn't renew his contract after 11 years because of 'editorial control' issues: "That's big head on big head crime." Adding, "In Mike's warped world, he says YES wanted to control what he says!"

Before summing up Mike Francesa thusly: "It is amazing how important some people think they are."

Closed by Craig Carton's mocking: "I knew he was lying...and I let him."

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