Mike Francesa's top-10 on air lies #FrancesaLies # 10 | Bob's Blitz

Mike Francesa's top-10 on air lies #FrancesaLies # 10

Mike Francesa suffers from pseudologia fantastica. His on air lying is not shtick. He is most likely mentally ill. With so many to choose from, it was hard to cut down to ten his top on air lies but...here goes.

#10 Alberto Alburquerque -- Dave From Red Bank asks about Alberto Alburquerque. Mike has no idea who he is.

Francesa returned to the dismissed Alburquerque caller after producers corrected him, "not to apologize — fat chance — but to disingenuously claim that the caller confused him as per his pronunciation — pure BS — and that the caller was referring to Tigers pitcher “Alberto Jose Alburquerque.”

BB...Mike Francesa, Onomatologist, Explains the Etymology of Al Alburquerque [Audio]

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