Phil Mushnick rips WFAN/CBS' entire fugazi advertising system | Bob's Blitz

Phil Mushnick rips WFAN/CBS' entire fugazi advertising system

We've cataloged WFAN's sleazy advertising for years. From Rick Stacy to Evan Roberts and his illegal e-bikes, right up to WFAN's Joe Benigno stating (ad nauseam) 'win $2 million dollars' and 'pick your team, pick your players, pick up your winnings' (ie, not 'you might or you could') we asked rhetorically..."Why not sign up and when you don't win the millions Benigno promises - sue."

Sunday, Mush took aim -- firing at WFAN claiming a pillow is an untested sleep drug.

Radio folk follow Francesa lead

As if Mike Francesa doesn’t exude enough megalomania, other WFAN hosts suffer mirror-mirror-on-the-wall delusions.

Craig Carton now is heard in an ad for pillows that begins, “Everyone knows I have trouble sleeping.”

Gee, Craig, I had no idea. I swear! How perfectly awful! Yet, that’s the kind of thing Carton would ridicule if said by others.

Joe Benigno narrates an ad for a home improvement operation in which he claims, “Terry and I love it.” While presumably Terry is his wife, when did they become Ozzie and Harriet?

More Benigno: He has been heard hollering, get-rich-today DraftKings ads. Yet, last week he admitted, “I’m illiterate with this stuff. I want nothing to do with it.”

That’s not how it works, Joe — not according to Federal Trade Commission statutes.

Benigno and Evan Roberts, in a commercial plant, once interviewed Giuseppe Franco as if he were legit, as if his products, as ceaselessly advertised on Yankees and Mets telecasts, actually grow hair!

How bad is the sneakiness at WFAN? Long running confirmed as bullshit Rick Stacy ads by Zach Martin have resumed. Obviously lies in the past (Martin did reads saying his hair looked great months ago when it actually looked like this.) ads for NY Hair MD are back. What once had Carton on Neograft plugs, "And sometimes the hair plugs don't work....." now had Boomer Esiason out there confirming that Martin does now have a hairline that 'looks Great Zach!"


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